Savior's Love Youth Fellowship

Savior's Love was founded in 2020, with a mission to save Ugandan youth plus their parents from pain sorrow and darkforces. Many are without both parents meaning they are orphans and the mothers are widows. Maybe at the time they go without a meal a day,this is absurd because girls end up in prostitution ,because they have to survive and also help their parents out. School fees is a big issue,this year we had to pay school fees for over 100 children because they were home and feeling bad and sad. We thank God. Finally they young boys ,end up in drugs and alcohol due to redundancy and joblessness. To make matters worse others join gangs to rob people for survival. I was led by God , to start this mission. We teach them the word of God, teach them how to pray and also support them in areas of food ,school fees and also start up capital for the mothers. This is what bring them joy and comfort. We are seeing families change to God be the Glory.

Vine Life Prayer Home

Vinelife Prayer Home, nestled in the heart of Buloba, Uganda, serves as a haven for women seeking spiritual growth and community. In this sacred space, we come together, united by a common purpose - to delve into the profound teachings of the Word of God. Through collective study, we seek to enrich our understanding of His divine message and strengthen our faith. Yet, our mission extends beyond the boundaries of our gathering place. As we congregate, we do so with a dual commitment: to intercede for our village and to lift it in prayer. Buloba, like many places in our beloved country, has grappled with pervasive issues such as crime and poverty. It is our heartfelt duty to petition the Almighty on behalf of our community, asking for His grace, protection, and guidance to overcome these challenges. We understand the profound need to combat these issues at their root, through faith, unity, and prayer. Moreover, we recognize that ignorance and the proliferation of false doctrines can lead individuals down misguided paths. As women of faith, we ardently believe in the power of spiritual discernment, and thus, we are committed to combatting these deceptive influences through the illumination of God's truth. Our gatherings serve as a refuge for those who seek refuge from the shadows of ignorance and falsehood. In conclusion, Vinelife Prayer Home in Buloba, Uganda, is not merely a physical location; it is a beacon of hope, knowledge, and prayerful dedication. Our mission is grounded in the desire to uplift our village and, in the broader sense, our nation, by nurturing a community of faithful women who are armed with the Word of God and empowered to combat the challenges of crime, poverty, ignorance, and false doctrines through prayer, unity, and the unwavering light of divine truth.

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