Our Mission

At Rachel Gayler Ministries, our mission is to proclaim the salvation and truth of Jesus Christ to all people, guiding them to a personal relationship with Him and respecting the leading of the Holy Spirit. We are dedicated to exposing false teachings and empowering individuals to find genuine spiritual healing and transformation through the power of God's Word. Romans 10:9 reminds us that salvation comes through confessing Jesus as Lord and believing in His resurrection. John 8:32 assures us that the truth sets us free, while Acts 4:12 emphasizes that there is no other name under heaven by which we must be saved. With Psalm 119:105 as our guide, we believe that God's Word illuminates our path, leading us to a life of purpose and fulfillment. By faithfully proclaiming the Gospel, standing against deception, and emphasizing the importance of God's Word, we seek to lead individuals to salvation, guide them in the truth, and empower them to live victorious lives in Christ.

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Our History

Rachel Gayler Ministries has a rich history rooted in the faith journey of its founder, Rachel Gayler. Born in 1976 in Mengo Kampala, Uganda, Rachel grew up in a family where her father served as a retired Reverend and her mother as a retired Nurse. Her early exposure to powerful Christian meetings, including those led by TL Osborn and Rubaga Miracle Center, planted seeds of passion for God within her. In 2013, Rachel migrated from Uganda to the United States, where she now resides in Boston, Massachusetts. Settling in the vibrant city, Rachel established the headquarters of Rachel Gayler Ministries, from where she continues to carry out her impactful work. At the age of 21, Rachel began her ministry journey while working for Radio One FM 90, where she served as an Evangelist. However, she later experienced a period of drifting away from the Lord. It was during this time that Rachel encountered false and manipulative teachings from money-making prophets and pastors. Through a powerful and transformative encounter with God, Rachel was brought back into full-time ministry. Filled with a renewed zeal, her ministry became driven by a deep desire for salvation, truth, and respect for the Holy Spirit among all believers. Rachel's personal experiences of testing the pain of disobedience and the torment of spiritual darkness have fueled her determination to expose the enemy's dark kingdom and bring people into the light of God's truth. She has written books, recorded albums, and witnessed numerous testimonies of healing and transformation within her ministry.

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