Rachel Gayler Kisa Books

My Inner Most Being

Rachel Gayler Kisa

For Your Own Good

Rachel Gayler Kisa

Words Create

Rachel Gayler Kisa

Living A Blessed Life

Rachel Gayler Kisa

My Inner Most Being

In our everyday life, we get hurt, injured, wounded, agonized, and grieved by those we love, trust, and depend on. All this leaves us with unhealing wounds of unforgiveness, wounds of hatred and so much more in our hearts that end up damaging and separating our INNER MAN from God. Each one of us has that inner man inside of us who feeds on what your heart harbors. If your heart harbors hatred and pain, that's what your inner man will feed on. At the end of the day, your physical being will as well be affected. Through this book, Rachel reaches out to you by the Spirit of God to help you with how you can have your heart transformed into a positive, jolly, loving, and forgiving one. She expounds on the things that turn our hearts into evil ones and how to overcome them. This book also introduces you to your Heavenly Father who is a spiritual being. This means He is well aware of all you are going through. He can walk you out of your struggles and also give you a fresh new start through his HOLY SPIRIT. Go ahead and own this copy you're holding and receive rest from all your heartaches!

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For Your Own Good

Racheal comes with a message to help this generation reflect on their lives to totally repent of their evil ways. By the grace of God, she got a spiritual encounter and the Holy Spirit revealed to her the dangers of living in sin. Before all this took place, she was living a life of extravagancy, a deadly life of all sorts of evil. God was gracious to her, He used a lot of people to change her life including her 5 year old son. And the best part of it all, Racheal paid heed to the voice of the Holy one thus this book! It's for your own good that you quit sin, heed the voice of the Lord and purpose to lead a sinless life. For there's peace, joy, love, goodness, and all that you desire in being led by the Lord! Your degree of obedience will determine how much you draw from the Lord

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Words Create

We are all well-versed in the power of words. We have one-time spoken words that led us into great trouble or great breakthrough. We know that words carry enormous power and this includes the power to heal or to wound, to encourage or to dishearten, to praise or to criticize. And many more things. So, how do we harness that power? Words Create is a book that will take you on a journey of discovery - into just the mere impact of your words. Find out how you can live a positive and fulfilled life with the words of your mouth. The spirit of wisdom and His son Jesus led Rachel Gayler to compile this book knowing that so many people will benefit from it. Knowing that words not only last but carry the power to build up or break down.

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Living A Blessed Life

Do you doubt who you are or whose you belong to because of your surroundings? We have been too lost in the world that all we believe is what people say about us.This communicate show we really have no clue of the life we are meant to live in. Before all we know and see was God who created the heavens and earth and all therein including yourself. He planned what each one of us was to be. He's intentions were for us to live a blessed and fruitful life. Due to the evil that entered the world, we lost our identity and ended up being shaped by the circumstances around us thus the sufferings we encounter, But glory to our God who has reached out to restore us back to our originality. As you get lost in the pages of this book, you will discover more of the gospel truths about your identity, how to live a blessed life, who is to help you maintain this life and how to flee a cursed life.

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